This is a cross section of a Meyer lemon that I bought this past weekend at the swap meet. Isn't it beautiful?? Thin skinned and and yielding so much juice. I can't help myself. I'm gonna start a third crop of plants. I've already given away over 30 plants!! Cool yah!! I've kept 2 good plants and 2 of the runts for myself. Last night I prepped a dozen seeds from this lemon. I'm also saving about 20 more seeds that I just couldn't throw away. I think I might have a seed-hoarding problem.
I saw this shirt at the swap meet. I just laaaaaughed and laaaaaghed. I woulda bought it but it's a 2X Large. I'm big but not that big . . . yet. If you no more nothing to do this Sunday (hahaha), go to Aloha Swap Meet. They got a lot of snacks and stuff that you can buy for gifts. Some are even prepackaged with tags!
No other pictures for you, but more haps:
Our solar water heater broke. We've been without hot water for two days. We're gonna get a new one, but not until Friday. In the meantime, we're boiling water and putting um in buckets for us to shower with.
You ever see "panettone" at the markets? I've always wondered about um but never bought one. CQ brought one to work last week. It was good. It kinda tasted like a Portuguese sweet bread/fruit cake hybrid.
On a sad note, grandpa is in the hospital again. He just got admitted last night. Hopefully, everything will be okay.
That's it for now. I'll be wrapping presents this week. In case I don't get a chance to return here soon, I'd like to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Sending get well wishes for Grandpa! Did you folks install the PV yet? My guy tells me they backed up til February! :( I think you do have a hoarding problem! Nah just kidding, cuz I get one box problem too! LMAO
ooh I hope Grandpa will feel better soon, Take care!
Thanks Mich! We're scheduled for mid January PV installment. I know . . . you're right . . . I get hoarding problem.
Thanks Kat!
Awwww, hope grampa gets better soon...gramma isn't doing well either :( She doesn't want to eat or drink and she's wheezing a lot, and keeps pulling off her oxygen.
i wonder if it's my mac? i no can see your pictures! only get one question mark! probably just me :-(
glad you're feeling better and i hope your grandfather feels better soon...
Aww, poor gramma. I'll pray for her same time as Grandpa.
Thanks Rand. Wonda why you no can see my pikchas.
I want a shirt like that. Hope grandpa is better. Merry Christmas to you all!
Merry Christmas to you too Erick!
My husband says that I should buy the t-shirt. Because I sometimes treat him in a fashion, but who care.
It was nice to get to know you better this year. Really fun to visit your site. I appreciate your kind and often funny comments. Wishing you a very happy Christmas!
PS- Get well soon wishes to your grandfather.
Hahahaha Akemi "who care". You're so funny!! Happy holidays to you too!! I'm really happy that we're getting to know each other through our blogs!
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