This is the cute lady that Leslie fell in love with. She was so adorable.
Leslie bought some handkerchiefs from her, even though she really didn't need any. I love this shot 'cause you can see Leslie's thumb holding on to the lady's fingers . . . so cute.
We had lunch at a one-man shop. This is the soba that I had.
This is what Les ate.
We paid first at this machine and got a ticket which we gave to the man.
There was a bakery along one of the streets. I took a quick look inside. I thought this was intriguing. Looks like it's some kind of manju. I regret that I didn't buy any. I'll always wonder about it.
I did buy about six of the dorayaki on the left to bring home. I'm glad I did 'cause it was the best I ever ate . . . so fresh.
Our flight home was scheduled to depart at around 8 p.m. I took this picture while waiting in line to check in.
Here we are back home! Notice my luggage on the left compared to Leslie's stuff. Wouldja believe that during the trip Les kept scolding me for buying too much stuff. I must admit . . . every square inch of my suitcase was stuffed.
Here are my omiyage. I shoulda taken stuff out of the packages so you could see them too. There are six bags of senbei and six boxes of mochi that are in the packages in the back. Amazing yah!
Well, that wraps it up for our Japan trip. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I like go back again already. Let me know if you plan to go and need company :)
All that fit in your suitcase? Amazing! LOL
I know Mich!! I think I should give a Packing 101 class.
Loved your Japan trip posts. Tks for sharing and a Happy New Year to you and your family!! It's 2013 here on my side of the world :)
Thanks Susan!! Happy New Year to you and your family!
I think I was rolling your stuff and you were rolling mines...
Na uh, Les. guys gotta give lessons on packing suit cases. It's amazing how you managed to fit all that AND meet the max 50lbs. Those bikes.. how does one not take the wrong bike home? they all look the same!! that ticket machine is guys are good..figuring out the right train..great pics..thanks soo much for sharing.
Holy carp, you bought a lot of stuff!
Shun Wah, you shoulda seen my suitcase. Every little space was taken . . . even in my shoes. And did you notice the bikes aren't even locked up? So honest the Japanese people. Les is the bomb at figuring out the train kine stuff. Plus she got eagle eyes so she can see signs from faaaaar away.
We did Erick!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family!!! Enjoyed your Japan posts ... the pictures were sooo beautiful! I'm so happy that you and Les had a GREAT time. After seeing your posts and all the onolicious food, I want to go to Japan. We should plan a Kihara family reunion trip to Japan ... that sould be fun! Thanks for sharing your adventure to Japan!
Renee, I soooo wanna go back already. I still haven't cashed in my leftover yen.
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