Here are just a few random stuff for today.
I wanted to show off my new marbles that I bought from Margaret at the swap meet. I just looooove them . . . so pretty yah! I really can't tell, but I hope they're vintage. I paid $20 for the bunch.
We met this guy at the swap meet. He was so entertaining. His name is Guy Orikasa. He recognized Geri and asked if she graduated from Leilehua. Geri said, "No." Then he said, "Kaimuki? Jarrett Intermediate?" He was known as "Weasle" back then. Geri recognized the name and told him that maybe he was one of our sister's classmate. He said that he probably dated that sister 'cause he dated PLENNY girls before. He's happily married now. His wife of 30something years was also with him. I give her credit.
This is the Magic Mouse for my iMac. Isn't it cool? I loved it from the beginning. You click it like a regular mouse, and you can also swipe it to scroll. You swipe up or down to scroll through your current page and left or right to switch pages. I adjusted it a bit so that swiping down scrolled down instead of up and I also added a right click to it. I'm still tweaking and learning, but I'm pretty much loving my new computer.
Here's my Meyer lemon orchard. You know how I am . . . if you going do one, you might as well do ten million. Most of these are spoken for, but for sure I'll have extra. Especially since . . .
I also got these!! I was gonna throw away these extra seedlings . . . but how can I? They're so cuuuute! I ran out of cups though, so I gotta go Longs and pick up some more. Anybody want one plant? I'll let you know if they're still alive when I get back. If you see Wendell while I'm gone, remind him to water my plants. In the meantime, SAYONARA! Be talking to you soon.
You lucky! Have fun, be safe and take plenty pics!!!!!
And eat plenty good food!!!!!!!
yippppeeee! I can't wait!! I hope everyone will be checking your blog too, I'll play nice and share the computer with you. That way you can get used to using a mac :-)
have a GREAT trip! (are you storing all of your raw images on a laptop?)
Thanks Dean. For sure we going eat plenty food!
Awww thanks Les. Maybe I'll post a picture or two then. I'm getting exciiiited!
Thanks Rand! I don't own a laptop, but I have a small, little 700GB My Passport portable hard drive that I'll connect to Leslie's laptop and then transfer my RAW images onto.
ooh have fun!
Thanks Kat!
Have a safe and funfilled vacation!!! Looking forward to your blog. Have fun shopping and enjoy the food! Sayonara ... ja nei! ;)
Thanks Renee!
how exciting!! have fun!!! omg, the awesome food you'll eat, i know of it!!
if you have any extra meyer seedlings, i'll be happy to trade for something?
Catching up on your blog posts...Have a fantastic trip...looking forward to seeing your pictures and Leslie's too. :)
I'll save one for you Grace!
700 gigs? fo you, dat should last one day!!!! den wat?!? ha! ha!
Thanks Betty!!
Funny Rand!
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