Like me, Leslie is not exactly the most patient person around, yet she took the time to print some of my photos, then carefully measured and cut each precisely so that she could fashion this rubix cube present for me. Pretty awesome, yeah! Thanks Les! I will treasure it FOREVER!
Finally! No Charity Mail!
Art once worked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Therefore
reducing waste and preventing pollution is very important to him and of
course, t...
4 hours ago
um, excuse me but I think that I'm extremely patient!!! I think it's my greatest asset...BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Sorry, hard to say that with a straight face...
Can I mess it up now so you can prove to me that you can put it back together? I'll even buy you a pair of gloves!
a personalized gift is a sign of a true friend!
so cool!
So, Cool! What a great idea. Is it easier with pictures?
Oh wow!! That is awesome!! You are so right, it took a lot of patience to get those cut and situated just right. Its a "one of a kind" for sure!!
Funny Les. And no, you cannot mess it up.
So special yeah, Rand!
I agree, Kat.
Erick, I don't even want to mess with it and get it all buss up.
Betty, Leslie comes up with the neatest ideas!
hmmm...for those of you who want to know how patient I really am, I actually made this for Jalna for her birthday, when is, September or something?? Uh, yah, I think I finished it in March, waited for about 2 days, gave up and gave her an early birthday present. :D
That's a really cool and creative idea.. It turned out sooo nice!
Hey, I used to have a book w/ how to solve the cube when the thing was so popular and I couldn't put mine back.. yikes.. maybe I'm showing my age...
Wow Les, you waited 2 WHOLE days?
Shun Wah, I can kinda do the puzzle, but the last couple squares takes me FOREVER cause it's only by luck that I can get it.
Ever since I saw this, I've been wanting to make it! Can you ask Les how she measured the squares? I think it is about 16mm, but I can't seem to get it right. Also, I tried a photo but the cuts landed right in the eyeball areas so it looked alien-like in the creases! :p
Hey josefina. Les said she'll scan the instructions and e-mail them to you. She said that yes, the cuts don't come out exactly right sometimes and depending on the picture they might end up in not too good places too.
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