Friday, January 3, 2025

Wendell's Japanese Potato Salad

Wendell made this a few days ago.  He didn't have cucumbers or ham, but it still came out good.  He substituted crab for the ham.  The recipe is from the Just One Cookbook site.

You can find the recipe here.


      Wednesday, January 1, 2025

      Sunlit Nap

      Happy New Year, peoples!  It feels like the years are just flying by now that I'm old(er). 

      Here's wishing you a safe and healthy 2025, and praying that Russia gets the hell outta Ukraine already.

      I just entered the photo below into a contest.  Flickr's Your Best Shot 2024.  Small-kine shame because there are some really awesome entries, and mine was taken with just a phone, but the grand prize is the choice of one of four cameras and I would love to win one of them, so gotta try, yah.

      Sunlit Nap