Monday, September 5, 2016

QQ Tea House Drinks

It's been so hot out lately that it seems like I'm always thirsty, which is probably why I've become a regular at QQ Tea House.  I even have a punch card now. I talked about it earlier here

This is a Honey Lemon Green Tea ($4.00). Very refreshing!

Strawberry Black Tea ($4.25). Delicious with bits of strawberry in it. 

Pineapple Smoothie with Boba ($4.65). Bits of pineapple and choke boba . . . very filling.  I think next time I'll omit the boba or maybe ask for just a little. 

This Passion Fruit Green Tea was half price (around $2.10) because Passion Fruit was the 50% off flavor of the day.

I only found out yesterday that the item on the menu board with this sticker next to it is the 50% off item. 

Also, FYI, there's usually a parking attendant (except on Sundays), that gives out tickets to be validated, but since you have a 15-minute grace I don't even bother getting a ticket anymore.


Anonymous said...

j: I'm craving a melon drink - I'm into the Sanria Japanese melon soda, but wanted a non-carbonated one. You know someplace in town that makes that kind of drink? -N

Susan said...

I usually get the pineapple smoothie here too but instead of boba I get the pineapple gels...I read some where that the boba are cancerous but it seems everything nowadays causes cancer.

Honolulu Aunty said...

What is your favorite? Do they have melon?

K and S said...


jalna said...

That melon soda sounds interesting, N. Not sure if anyplace makes something like that.

Susan, good to know . . . I can do without the boba.

Aunty, don't really have a favorite, yet. Looks like they do have a Honeydew Smoothie and something called Winter Melon Tea.

So refreshing, Kat.

Kay said...

Oh yum... That looks so wonderful. I'm going to ask to leave out that boba next time I have one of those drinks too.

jalna said...

Good idea, Kay.

Leslie's pics said...

thirsty, eh?