Sunday, December 13, 2015

One Marathon Runner

I went outside at around 6:45 in the morning, took a few shots to test out my just-repaired camera, went back indoors and never went back out again. I missed the whole marathon. Aiyaaaaa.



K and S said...

at least you got one shot:)

jalna said...

LOL!!! At least yah, Kat!

Kay said...

Looks like your camera is working great! Art is really wishing he could be out there running again. Sigh... Poor guy.

Honolulu Aunty said...

I forgot it was the Marathon but heard a really loud noise and saw a helicopter with search beam outside and figured the cops were looking for a bad guy.

So, being so niele (nosey) I went out in the dark and could hear clapping down the block. I went down the hill to Kilauea Avenue and saw a few runners and some speeding bikes - it was the Marathon!

I stuck around for a few minutes - plenty Japanese runners, some solo, a few in small groups, and I even saw one who had an artificial leg and running pretty fast. I felt intense pride for the man who was a Japanese National and across the way, some Japanese were clapping throughout and calling out "Gambatte!" to the runners.

Such a special run and the weather was perfect for it this year. Hope all made it through and got to wear their well deserved marathon finisher shirts.

Congrats on getting your great camera back! As the Japanese Nationals would tell my son when he used to join them as an extra (whatever group at Ala Wai Golf Course that only had a three-some would pick up standbys), "Nissu Shottu!"

Anonymous said...

j: no feel bad....I slept at 2 am, got up at about 5:30 pm thought of the runners wished them luck and fell back sleep until 1 p.m. I always miss half the day. But I do love being a night owl now that I no work. -N

jalna said...

How come he's not running anymore, Kay?

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Aunty, I almost googled "Nissu Shottu", but figured it out. Good thing. I woulda been searching and searching. LOL!!

Whoa, your time clock is the exact opposite of mine, N. I get up early, do things in the morning and am usually home by lunch time because by then I'm all pooped.

Nippon Nin said...

Great pic! I'm glad your camera is fixed!

jalna said...

Thanks Akemi!

Leslie's pics said...

man, i was looking for you when i went zipping by your street! :D hahahahahahaha! NOT!