How are you guys doing? Shopping/baking/wrapping done? Almost?
Me? I'm a little bit ahead of schedule this year. I like it. I feel calmer than usual . . . not so frazzled.
I had to put my sewing on hold because this is my sewing area.

Guess what happened since I last blogged. My Precious camera broke. I went online to trouble shoot and deduced (hoped) that it might've been something simple like needing a new "clock" battery. I went to Walgreen's (and Longs and Radio Shack and Game Stop and Ross) and picked up the battery and a small Phillips screwdriver set. I nervously opened up My Precious and replaced the battery. Several times. Because it still wouldn't work. And I kept thinking that I was doing it wrong. But no. No matter how many times I tried, the camera still wouldn't work. Waaaaahhhhhh.

The best, best thing about owning a Canon camera is that we have a service center here on Ward. They still have to send it away, but at least you can drop it off here and they'll ship it for you. I left my camera there and waited for a diagnosis. I got a call the next day. Two circuit boards needed to be replaced as well as the lens contact assembly, and LCD assembly. My shutter had a very high count (144,000) and needed to be replaced too. My total cost to repair: $531! I said okay.
And finally for you, here's a funny video about what happened to a car that was illegally parked in a handicapped space somewhere in Europe. Thanks for sharing, Ross!
That's it for now. Happy Shopping.
oh em gee, at least it could be fixed even if it was big $$. happy holidays:)
Yah Kat, I was so grateful that it could be fixed. Happy Holidays to you too!! I got your postcard!! Thanks!
I've seen that video before and thought it was hilarious!
Congratulations on getting ahead of schedule. I am way, way, way behind. Nothing is really done and more stuff gets in the way. Arrrghh...
Thanks Kay. Hope you get to catching up soon!
Glad to hear your camera is finally fixed!! more posting!! baked cookies already ? I see containers of cookies....
Thanks Shun Wah!
I did, Dd. I was early with that this year too.
WHOA, expensive camera fix! But, worth it because you take the best pictures! You should enter contests and win money.
Dd is SO sharp - she saw your cookies so I had to go back and check out your first picture to find them. Almost like finding Waldo - find da cookies, lol.
Yah Aunty, had to fix um. It really is My Precious. "Find da cookies" . . . funny!
Ouch! Sorry that happened before Christmas...unexpected expense.
I hope it's learning experience for the guy to never park a car in handicap parking spot. How embarrassing...I felt little bit sorry for him.
Awww, you're so sweet, Akemi. I didn't feel sorry for that guy at all.
Nope, tree not up, more shopping to do, working on church play, working on the messes, but child #2 is home for the holidays, and 2 wks off work...I'm thankful! My neighbors have lights inside and out. Grandkid: "Aren't we going to put lights all around the house?" Me: "CHRISTmas is all about Jesus : ) He is the light that goes with you everywhere."
Hhahaha, I can't believe he drove off with only a little view.
And glad your camera's all fixed. Glad I checked back here. I love your nature photos, I'd like to blow up that Sandy Beach one!!
Thank God you have two weeks off, Susan. I still feel for you. I love your "Jesus is the light" answer. So funny!!
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