April 10, 2015
Dinner at the Ryotsu Yamaki Hotel on Sado Island was awesome. Almost all of our meals on our tour were top notch, but this one might've been the toppest of the notchest.
ahodori bento
Been wanting to try Ahodori Bento after seeing them on "7 rules", a
television show about females in various business genre and their "7 rules
in life", no...
1 hour ago
Finally....who hoooo.........CRAB !! ABALONE !!
I'm drooling! LOL
Unreal yah, Didi!
Me too, Mich!
o wow! I couid eat that! I'm not too fond of sashimi and I notice there isn't any raw stuff!
yah, crab! Abalone! Nabe!
Me too, V, I give my sashimi to Sweetie. Did you notice the pickled-looking fish? I normally wouldn't even touch that either, but I decided to go for it. I'm glad I did . . . it was gooooood!!
j: how did they do that tempura tied together? I don't like cooked fish but I could that fish! Hoo man all that looked good, esp. the crab. -N
Was all of that food just for you? For you and your sister? Even with 2 people, I don't see how you could eat that . . . much . . . stuff! A lot of it looks delish, though.
I wondered the same thing, N. How can yah? With so many to make.
That was just my portion, Lorna!!
Kat, my mouth dropped when I saw all the food and how meticulously they served them on those pretty plates.
Wow!!!!! You killing me!
So awesome yah, Dean!
Aaack! Everything looks so good but I gotta bust out my Epipen! :(
I have decided that I could only take my first trip to Japan with Jalna and Sweetie! Because nobody knows how to do it better! ; )
I thought about you at dinner, Les.
Hahahaha, funny, Mark!!
The food looks so ono, especially the crab. Yum
I love the presentation Japanese ppl put into their food, makes it more delicious...so did you eat it all??
Don't you just love the plates too, Susan? So pretty. And each is so perfect for it's particular dish. I gave my abalone and shrimp to Sweetie. They were too raw for me. Even the crab I gave to her. Was too hard trying to get to the meat. But you shoulda seen Sweetie at work on it. She's a master! Wish I video'd her attacking that crab.
Yuuuum! OK, that did it! I gotta go eat some dinner. My tummy is growling.
Awesome meal! Ha ha ha, Toppest of the notchest...your so creative!
LOL, Akemi!!
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