This was my find of the day . . . a vintage Coach wallet. I had a hard time understanding the seller when I asked "how much". I couldn't tell if she was saying $8, $18 or $80. I had to ask her around 3 times.
It was $8 and in really good shape . . . so I got it. Score!
Geri is really into matryoshka dolls and got these for $2. I can never remember the name for um and I end up calling um babushka dolls.
I had a tube of this for a long time and I really liked it. It got old though so I dumped it awhile back. I was glad to see it for sale at the swap meet. It was $5.
Geri bought this squeak squeak toy for her dog Star. It was $2.
I didn't buy this plant, but I thought it was so neat. The guy said it's called a Lipstick Plant. He said that when there are a lot of flowers on it, it cascades over and is really pretty. It was $4.
I bought this bowl for $1.
Yes, I bought more stamps . . . 50 cents each.
These papaya were 90 cents/pound . . . more expensive than a lot of the other sellers', but looked really good so me and Geri bought some.
Looks like they're from B. Shiroma Farm.
There was a little kid selling some of his toys. We thought that was so cool. Geri bought this helmet from him. He was asking $1 . . . Geri gave him $2. It uses batteries so we think it lights up.
We noticed a garage sale sign on the way home so we followed it. I got this big insulated bag for $1. I thought Landon could use it for his drinks when he goes fishing.
That's it. I'm bringing you FREE stamps on monday.
great the bowl... :)
Wow! I think you really got a good deal on Coach wallet! I like the $1 bowl too.I always enjoy your swap meet posts.
Nice stuff! Thanks for the wallet! LOL, I saw a few nice coach bags today and I had to turn the other way, because I think I am starting to HOARD.
Noooo Les. No need stamps.
Thanks Betty. Love the bowl too.
Thanks Akemi!
You're welcome Mich! I looove to make those finds . . . but I know what you mean about hoarding.
Gee, I wonder if that is the papaya lady Sweetie was looking for on Sunday ???
You mean, they are NOT babushka ?
Not babushka Didi. Hahahaha!
The helmet is COOL!
Hi Jalna,
I saw the mask that your sister bought at Walmart today. It was on clearance for $35! She scored big time!
I think so to Dean!
That is soooo funny Anon! As soon as I read your comment, I had to text Geri about it!
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