Shun Wah e-mailed me and said that she also got hit by the malware. She said several of her friends got it too. The really scary thing is we don't know how we got it. This is what the virus does. You go to Google search (or Bing) and you type in a search word (or phrase). It gives you links to pick (like usual). When you click on the link you get directed to a totally unrelated site.
At least Shun Wah knew how to fix it herself, but she had to go back to factory settings and start all over with her computer, reinstalling everything. I took mine to Cowabunga at around 10:00 yesterday morning. The guy said he would call me daily with updates. DAILY!! Like how many days gonna take if he's gonna call me DAILY???!!! He did call me yesterday afternoon. He said they were still working on hardware diagnostics. So that means they neva even work on the virus problem yet. What's really bothering me is that after I pay $125 to fix it, and maybe even after having to remove everything and starting from scratch again, how do I prevent from getting reinfected when I don't know how I got it in the first place? When searching online, I found that some people got infected with this misdirecting malware even though they had good protection and safeguards in place.
Right now, I'm using my old computer. I hooked it up and can't believe it still works after being idle for years, especially since I replaced it because I thought it was gonna break soon.
So peoples please be careful . . . although I can't really tell you of what.
this and that
Tokyo People: thought this woman's coat was interesting looking Kabukicho
peopleKabukicho people: this guy's shoes looked super heavy and hard to
walk inni...
8 hours ago