Friday, January 17, 2025

Hunka Beef

I told Wendell that I was thinking of making Dd's Beer-braised Brisket and he came home with this.  I used about a third of it, the skinny end.


I used the softball team's strikeout beer that was in the man cave's fridge.

And this hand blender thing that I got at the swap meet awhile back and never did use.

It came out good! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Fave Knives

I asked my family to send me a photo of their three favorite knives.  I was just curious. 

The first set is mine.  Because of my lack of knife skills, my third fave is scissors.  LOL. 


This is Wendell's.  Sashimi, bread and general. 

Cy and his wife use the knife on the left.  My mom's on the right.
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I think Sweetie said meat on the left, sashimi in the middle and tomatoes on the right.  I like her arrangement the best . . . so artistic.

These are Geri's.  She makes good bread, so must use the knife on the left a lot.

Here are chef extraordinaire Didi's.
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Monday, January 13, 2025

Dd's Beer-Braised Beef Brisket

Kinda plenty ingredients (for me), but maybe not so hard to make.  I think I'll try make someday 'cause sure looks yummy.

beer braised brisket



1-1 ½ # beef brisket, trimmed

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 ½ TB olive oil

4 cloves garlic, smashed

1 small yellow onion, roughly chopped

1 medium carrot, stew-cut

1 medium rib celery, stew-cut

2 sprigs fresh thyme

1 sprig fresh rosemary

1 bay leaf

1 TB tomato paste

½ c. chicken stock

½ c. red wine

12-oz. beer


Remove brisket from refrigerator 1 hour prior to cooking. Pat brisket dry; generously season on both sides with salt and pepper. 

In a saucepot over medium high heat sear brisket in oil until well browned on all sides, about

2-3 minutes. Transfer the brisket to a plate. 

To the saucepot, add the garlic, onions, carrots, celery, thyme, rosemary and bay leaf. Sauté until golden, about 8 minutes. Stir in the tomato paste and cook for 2 minutes. Add stock and beer and bring to a simmer, scrapping up any bits that are stuck to the bottom of the pan. Return brisket into saucepot. Allow to simmer covered 1 ½ hours or until fork tender. 

Remove brisket to cutting board and cover with aluminum foil. Allow to rest 10-15 minutes. Using an immersion blender puree sauce to desired consistency. Season as needed.  Slice against the grain for service. Serve with sauce. Serves 2.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Cy's Breakfast

This was from back in September, but I still had to share because I wanted to show you Cy's condiments brought from home.  LOL.

Duck and Spare Ribs from Mei Mei.  $14.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Inomata Mochi Microwaver

I bought this awhile back from either Marukai or the swap meet.  I'm glad I didn't "goodwill" it because I've been using it a lot recently.

You place a block of mochi into it, cover the mochi with water and microwave it at 500W for a minute or so.  You flip the contraption over to drain out the water.  Then you can enjoy the softened mochi however you like it.


Lately, I've been having it like this, topped with big-bean kuromame that my cousin V gave to me!  Sooo oishiiiii!!

And because life is so synchronous, I found one at the swap meet this past Sunday and gave it to Cleta because she didn't have one.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Kai - 10 months




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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Dizzy Kai

Click on the photo below to watch Kai making himself dizzy.


Friday, January 3, 2025

Wendell's Japanese Potato Salad

Wendell made this a few days ago.  He didn't have cucumbers or ham, but it still came out good.  He substituted crab for the ham.  The recipe is from the Just One Cookbook site.

You can find the recipe here.


      Wednesday, January 1, 2025

      Sunlit Nap

      Happy New Year, peoples!  It feels like the years are just flying by now that I'm old(er). 

      Here's wishing you a safe and healthy 2025, and praying that Russia gets the hell outta Ukraine already.

      I just entered the photo below into a contest.  Flickr's Your Best Shot 2024.  Small-kine shame because there are some really awesome entries, and mine was taken with just a phone, but the grand prize is the choice of one of four cameras and I would love to win one of them, so gotta try, yah.

      Sunlit Nap

      Tuesday, December 31, 2024

      Outing with da Sistahs

      There was a day last week (or so) when all us sistahs were free so we went to our favorite filipino food place, Elena's in Waipahu.

      Fried Pork ($15.99)

      Shrimp Sarciado ($16.99)

      Sari Sari ($15.99)

      Lechon Special ($15.99)

      Pork Adobo Fried Rice Omelette ($14.99)

      We also went to one sistah's working place and saw a monarch butterfly with no antennae.  

      We visited Ani's Bakery.


      And we had some Waiola shave ice.  Everybody else had a small; mine was a LARGE strawberry/melona with vanilla ice cream and mochi balls ($7.00).