Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wash Day for Stinky Toys

Kai's favorite toys just had to be washed.  They had become so gross that I didn't even want to touch them.

IMG_8688 2 

Kai was most happy to get back Big Lambchop.
  IMG_8705 2 




Anonymous said...

Kai's look under all his toys hanging.

Anonymous said...

Awww!! ๐Ÿฅฐ He is so adorable.


Honolulu Aunty said...

So cute. Both of them.

Chet Colson said...

Looks like Kai is having lamb chops as a meal... ๐Ÿ˜†

Anonymous said...

Kai waiting for it to dry reminds me when I washed my daughters blankie. She would stand under the clothes line with the tip of the corner and be sucking her thumb. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Susan said...

Aww, that’s so cute, he has a Lambchop collection!

jalna said...

Luckily only took a day to dry. LOL.

jalna said...


jalna said...

I agree!

jalna said...

His fave!

jalna said...

So cute!

jalna said...

They’re his fave. All three.