Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kai - 6 months

So fast he became a Big Boy.  But he's still a puppy at heart.

Just FYI, I'm gonna be taking a break from blogging for awhile.  No particular reason.  See you again soon. 

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You can click on the photo below to watch Kai entertaining himself.


Honolulu Aunty said...

Such a lucky, happy dog. Have a nice break!

K and S said...

aw will miss your posts, take care!

Anonymous said...

J, awww gonna miss you and Kai, N

Chet Colson said...

Enjoy your sabbatical

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Kai is so handsome! I’m sad that I won’t be reading your blog for awhile. Hope it’s not too long, but enjoy your break!



jalna said...

Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

sad to hear you're taking a break but glad you know your limits and priorities. I have your blog link on my desktop so automatically check in everyday and will miss your posts but I going Japan in couple of weeks so hope you'll be refreshed when I come back even though I know I'll be checking even there!

Anonymous said...

Come back soon! Enjoy the break.
Bonny ogg

jalna said...

Hoo hoo!! Have fun!!

jalna said...


Susan said...

Your Kai has matured. I have a dog that still looks like a pup even though he’s 6 years old!

jalna said...

So cute!!