I went to Times in Kahala yesterday and was surprised to see Bakery & Table in the old Saint-Germain spot. I only look some quick shots because I was with Wendell and . . . you know . . . "time waits for no man".
Leslie gave me a belated birthday gift even though I told her no need. She got me a SketchBox art box, and I looooove it. SketchBox is a monthly subscription box (or single if you like). There are several companies that provide these boxes and it seems like a good idea, but I've always been leery about them. You never know what you'll get, and I've seen YouTube videos where the subscriber totally got gypped (beware the language if you click on my link to the video). This box was perfect for me . . . the theme was "Watercolor"!!! It came with a Winsor and Newton watercolor marker in Pale Rose (I've seen good reviews), a Sennelier (French-made honey-binder) watercolor half pan in Forest Green (I already own five colors . . . no green), a Marabu Graphix Aqua Ink (Dark Violet), Princeton Neptune Script brush (I seriously was looking to buy one of these), a Pentel marker, Legion Stonehenge watercolor paper (I was too scared to use 'cause it's $$$), and my favorite, favorite Daniel Smith dot card. I painted a scene in my sketchbook using all the supplies. The sketchbook is not really suited for watercolor, but I feel safe (no pressure) using it. Thank you, Leslie!!
I needed an outdoor chair recently and had to borrow Wendell's. It weighed a ton and took up a lot of trunk space. I decided to look for one of my own.
I found one on Amazon that was on Lightening Deal for $7.50 off. I got it for $22.50. You can find it here. It weighs 2 pounds and hardly takes up any space.
It's very easy to assemble. The legs are all held together with a stretchy cord and pops into place by itself.
Here's the seat portion.
It looks kinda flimsy, but it's supposed to be able to support 250 pounds, and it does come with a 12-month money-back guarantee. We'll see. It's very comfortable. So far, I like it a lot.
According to the EXIF data for this photo, I took it six years ago on October 2, 2012 at 6:39 a.m. If you like you can check out more from that morning here.
Majorly stupid post here, but I just can't bring myself to throw away this zippered bag that a sheet set came in. It's ZIPPERED. And it's sturdy. What would you do? If most of you would trash it, then I will too.
I remember a long time ago when I overheard my dad telling my mom about what happened on a fishing outing. He had tossed out a line and was dunking some bait on a pier at Pearl Harbor.
There was a huge strike, and he rushed to the pole.
In his excitement his top front partial dentures fell into the water. He dove into the water to try to retrieve them but wasn't able to find them.
I've kept that story in my memory banks for over 50 years. When I called my mom a little while ago to confirm that he did dive in after the teeth, she said, "Yes he did dive in to look for them. They fell out after he bit into an apple." Whaaaaaaat??!! After he bit into an apple?? I like my story better.
Wendell and Landon are on a keto diet. It's a low carb, high fat thing where you can eat a lot of meat, so it's not for me. Wendell made this keto bread yesterday. The recipe is from Two Sleevers website and can be found here. It's kinda bland to me, but you can slather on the buttah and eat it with your bacon, lamb, alligator, ostrich, or kangaroo meat.
1cup almond flour
1/2cup chia seeds(white if you can get them or black if you can't)
1/4cupalmond milk or water
1/4cup coconut oil or melted butter
2teaspoons baking soda
1/2teaspoon salt
Preheat the oven to 350F.
Grease a 4-cup loaf pan (8 x 4 inch) and set aside. Do not use a larger loaf pan as the bread will be very flat. You might choose to bake it in two mini pans if you want your bread to rise more.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and stir until the batter is well mixed and not lumpy.
Pour into the greased loaf pan and bake for 30 minutes. Allow the bread to rest in the pan for 10 minutes, and then remove and place on a rack if you intend to fully cool it. Otherwise, if you just can’t wait for it at all, get out some butter and have at it!
We just had the house termite treated. I'm in the process of putting the food stuff back to where they belong, but I'm tired so am taking a break. All the food in the freezer and 'fridge had to be double bagged. We tossed a lot of old and expired stuff.
Technically, anything that still had the manufacturer's seal could be kept in the house, but we packed mostly everything and put it in our tool shed or left in our cars.
I found an Airbnb in Kaimuki that allowed pets, so me, Wendell and Kona stayed there for one night. Landon camped out in front of the house to stand guard against thieves.
We checked out at around 8:00 a.m. but couldn't return into the house until 4:00 p.m. so we spent the whole time just waiting.
Me and Kona were soooo happy when we were finally able to get back into the house.
mostly tokyo people
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Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...