My iPhone's been running out of power kinda fast lately, so when this portable battery charger went on sale on Amazon I picked it up. It caught my eye because it's small and light-weight and barely takes up any space in my small purse. It's normally $15.99 but I got it for $10.99. You can check it out here.
It came in handy when we were at Tokoname (my previous blog post). In the midst of taking pictures of our food, my phone went totally dead. The charger worked perfectly, allowing me finish getting the shots I needed.

So handy, yah! I just plugged my phone into this end.

It even came with this pouch.

I've seen these at the battery store and been tempted. I have a car charger for my phone. But something like this would be good for the airplane.
Kay, I never know when my phone's gonna conk out on me. I don't do fancy-kine stuff with it so normally it's okay. But, once in awhile it'll start draining fast.
I know this is a dumb question, but you plug it in with the charging cord, right? Does it come with a short one?
i think it's time for a new phone!! :-)
That's so awesome Jalna! And good for you, that you got those pics done. I have eaten there before. It's very professional and very clean! But I can't fit that phone charger in my purse! I don't have one!......Oh shoots! ; )
That is so not a dumb question, Aunty. Because you're right . . . and it didn't even come with a cord. So I have to remember to also carry the cord that came with my phone. Otherwise the charger is useless.
It really came in handy, Kat.
Hahahahaha. Maybe you're right, Les.
I think it's time you get a purse, Mark. LOL. Wendell uses a waist pouch. But . . . he does get teased.
I bought one of these for my trip to Japan and it was the best investment! I could use it to charge up my phone and the pocket wifi after full days of traveling.
Very cool, Jenny.
Cool and cheap! I have a Juice Pack, it's way more expensive.
Wow Erick, I just checked it out. It's waaaaay more expensive. But nice.
My friend gave me one but not like yours. When we lost power for 2 days because of a typhoon, it charged my phone and about half of my iPad. Very important gadget at times!
I'm going to buy this! Thanks Jalna!
It's a very handy gadget, Akemi!
Jalna, check out these two products. I don't think you need it but I bought the first one and I think the second one would be good for when you're really out in the boondocks!
Regarding the first product, read about all the stuff it can do! It's way more than just an power boost....
Thanks, Rand! I put the first one in my cart. Gonna check it out some more. Rand, it says you can backup stuff from phones to an attached flash drive. Can you go the other way, and copy something from a flash drive onto an iPad?
The second one is so cool. Have you watched the show "Alone" on the History channel? I think they could might like it.
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