J: obviously I'm the only bird lover..I'd be so happy to be greeted by that sight! I'll probably stand near by and enjoy that sight. Wild birds have it tough as it without someone shooting them with a gun. I hope you're not maiming them, Anon, that's evil and cruel -N
J: thanx for all the goodies, you are so Japanese, but I do appreciate them. Esp. the original creations by Jalna bag you sewed and featured on your blog. I can make REALLY good use of that like for carrying my phone and other stuff. There are cases but too small for my use and this one is perfect. I'm glad you like the lemons, at least it's been put to good use rather than rotting on our tree. I got stuck in that awful carmageddon and it took me 6 hours to get home. I left town at 3 pm and got home after 9 pm. It took me 5-1/2 hours to get to the zipper lane - then got lost in Kunia. What an epic adventure. (yes better be only air thats being shot, my bro had an airsoft and it shot bbs) -N
I remember when I was a little kid in the 1960's we used to go to a restaurant that was right on Waikiki Beach.
If I remember right, it was called "The Snack Shack".
It had open air windows. And the pigeons would fly in all day long picking scraps off of peoples plates who had just left.
I remember they were so tame I could feed them by hand. And at times they would sit on my arm while eating out of my hand.
I always thought it was odd that the management never tried to keep the pigeons out. But in those days, nobody had a problem with it. And it was fun, especially for the kids!
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First thing I saw was the Graces sign. Miss the plate lunches. Hopefully those birds didn't leave a present for the owner of that car.
OMG, I would go nuts. LOL
I wonder, Kobi, if their claws leave little scratch marks too.
Mich, I can just imagine you shooing them away. Hahahaha!!!
Birds! I didn't see the movie but creepy...
Trying to stay warm! Hot sun make dark paint hot! No Pigeons on white cars!......hehe ; )
I hope this wasn't a bathroom break. Art would go nuts too. You'd think it would be hot on the roof.
I agree it's strange, Akemi.
Oooooh, was wondering, Mark.
Really yah, Kay!
I'd be hiding in the bushes with my air soft guns! Dang birds..always pooping on my car! Probably cuz I'm hiding in the bushes with my air soft guns..
aieyaeyae!!! I would freak!
Veeeery funny, Anon.
Kinda like Alfred Hitchcock yah, Les. LOL.
J: obviously I'm the only bird lover..I'd be so happy to be greeted by that sight! I'll probably stand near by and enjoy that sight. Wild birds have it tough as it without someone shooting them with a gun. I hope you're not maiming them, Anon, that's evil and cruel -N
Yah, Kat!!
N, I'm sure Anon only means to scare the birds away. Thanks for the lemons, BTW. I like them! Thin-skinned and very juicy! They taste good to me!
J: thanx for all the goodies, you are so Japanese, but I do appreciate them. Esp. the original creations by Jalna bag you sewed and featured on your blog. I can make REALLY good use of that like for carrying my phone and other stuff. There are cases but too small for my use and this one is perfect. I'm glad you like the lemons, at least it's been put to good use rather than rotting on our tree. I got stuck in that awful carmageddon and it took me 6 hours to get home. I left town at 3 pm and got home after 9 pm. It took me 5-1/2 hours to get to the zipper lane - then got lost in Kunia. What an epic adventure. (yes better be only air thats being shot, my bro had an airsoft and it shot bbs) -N
I remember when I was a little kid in the 1960's we used to go to a restaurant that was right on Waikiki Beach.
If I remember right, it was called "The Snack Shack".
It had open air windows. And the pigeons would fly in all day long picking scraps off of peoples plates who had just left.
I remember they were so tame I could feed them by hand. And at times they would sit on my arm while eating out of my hand.
I always thought it was odd that the management never tried to keep the pigeons out. But in those days, nobody had a problem with it. And it was fun, especially for the kids!
Oh no, N. I wondered about you in the traffic. 6 hours!! I so stress about stuff like that.
So cool to go down memory lane with you, Mark.
Too funny. They must have made a mess.
I love it!! Well, except foa da poop, that is.
Of all the other cars in that parking lot, the poor little honda had to be the one. I hope the birds did not leave a big mess for the owner.
I think they must've too, Erick.
I agree, Moki.
I wonder why yah, Mmiissee.
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