Here's our new rice cooker. Wendell bought it from Costco for $31. He said that the previous Tiger brand one also came from Costco and it was $99! *gulp* Good thing this one no more buttons that somehow might get scotch-taped down.
Let me know how this rice cooker works for you! 31 bucks is a good deal! How many cups does it make? Sorry for all the questions, I need a new one myself!
j: wow that's cheap for a nice fancy looking one. We use a Tiger one that is over 20 years old and still going, not that I cook a lotta rice. I cook one 4 cup batch then refrig it. So lazy. I remember small kid time, coming home to wash rice, then mom cooking it the old way on the stove. I vaguely remember having to boil it for a time I think until the lid started moving then lowering it to simmer for so many minutes then shutting it off. It was all timing and one had to keep an eye on it. Then the just push the button came long and all I had to do was wash the rice. Sometimes the good old days was more humbug-N
Hahahaha!! Funny, Jenny! It's a 10-cup cooker. Dunno if I would recommend it. I haven't been eating too much rice lately, but one time I opened it up . . . I think it was a day after the rice had been cooked . . . and it was mushy looking in the middle. It looked like condensation had dripped down into the pot.
Hi Akemi. See my above comment.
N, as I was reading your comment, I could hear the sound of the pot cover when the rice boils.
Yup, Kat!
Wow, N, I'm so glad that eagle got rescued. Hope it recovered. Thanks for sharing!
My husband bought me the 5 cup Tiger rice cooker for Christmas couple hears ago, it was more than $99. You pay the price for a good rice cooker...except when you try to make PANCAKES with it, teehee, hope that new rice cooker works good for you.
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I no see a Japanese pancake, jk!
Let me know how this rice cooker works for you! 31 bucks is a good deal! How many cups does it make? Sorry for all the questions, I need a new one myself!
Nice! Great price! Did you try it yet? Let me know.
j: wow that's cheap for a nice fancy looking one. We use a Tiger one that is over 20 years old and still going, not that I cook a lotta rice. I cook one 4 cup batch then refrig it. So lazy. I remember small kid time, coming home to wash rice, then mom cooking it the old way on the stove. I vaguely remember having to boil it for a time I think until the lid started moving then lowering it to simmer for so many minutes then shutting it off. It was all timing and one had to keep an eye on it. Then the just push the button came long and all I had to do was wash the rice. Sometimes the good old days was more humbug-N
whoo hoo!
Hahahaha!! Funny, Jenny! It's a 10-cup cooker. Dunno if I would recommend it. I haven't been eating too much rice lately, but one time I opened it up . . . I think it was a day after the rice had been cooked . . . and it was mushy looking in the middle. It looked like condensation had dripped down into the pot.
Hi Akemi. See my above comment.
N, as I was reading your comment, I could hear the sound of the pot cover when the rice boils.
Yup, Kat!
Wow, N, I'm so glad that eagle got rescued. Hope it recovered. Thanks for sharing!
My husband bought me the 5 cup Tiger rice cooker for Christmas couple hears ago, it was more than $99. You pay the price for a good rice cooker...except when you try to make PANCAKES with it, teehee, hope that new rice cooker works good for you.
Hey, Susan, your husband is just like mine . . . so romantic!
Lol, Jalna ! ! Don't get me started on HOW romantic my husband is ~ : }
HAHAHAHAHA! Funny, Susan!
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