Remember when I did this to some Meyer lemon seeds? Wouldja believe it was one whole year ago?
Here's Kona posing for me next to my best plant. Cool yah!
And here's the rest of my orchard. The plants in the red pots are calamansi. I got couple oranges too.
But look at this. Something's been eating one of my lemon plants. I searched under all the leaves for bugs or worms but never found any. And no . . . no more any Damn Rabbits around either.
It even got to one of my calamansi plants. This morning I moved all the pots around searching . . .
And look what was between some pots. Do you think this coulda ate um? Could it have crawled up the side of the pot and up the plants? I can't imagine it doing that.
What a coincidence! Kay of Musings blog talked about her lemon plants today too. You can check it out here. She's so good . . . she gave away her stronger plants. Me . . . I kept mine.
Ugh. African snails. They're oogey (sp?). A few years back, my place was overrun with them, and I had to go out every morning and evening diligently and whack them with my shovel (of course, I felt guilty as I was doing that, but they in addition to eating plants other than weeds, they have salmonella). Even the chickens wouldn't eat those snails. Now, there are hardly any.
"Even the chickens wouldn't eat those snails." HAHAHAHA!!! Funny Lorna. We've had choke of um lately, Lorna. I only worried that Kona might try to lick um. Never thought they'd eat my lemon plants.
Wouldja believe, JUST today, I learned what to do for our kaffir lime tree that isn't doing that great?!
From Carole at the Thai Valley Cuisine restaurant in Kalama Valley, she said to use the Insect and Bug treatment - aarrgh - forgot what brand - but I suppose the brand doesn't matter because the treatment of the plant is to get rid of parasites and bugs. She knows what she is doing because her kaffir lime trees are FULL of branches and leaves AND even has some lime fruits! Pretty amazing.
Cute! your lemon plants. Kona is beautiful!
I did just read your wonderful story about Carole and Thai Valley Cuisine. I'm not much of a gardener, but I love Meyer lemons. Good luck with your kaffir lime plant!
Yep. Snails. They chomp all kine good stuffs. You can put salt on 'em, but that's kinda gross. Or beer. Lettum drown in it.
Mo betta jass whackum.
I wonder if Kathy's one finally grew...
I trew um in the trash can, but Wendell said that we choke in the yard nowadays, Moki.
Maybe if I gave her one good one, Les. Some of mines are still small.
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