J, under the cover of darkness he thought he could sneak one pass momma only to be lit up lol Mac's cuisine of choice is the leafy nut weed. He then loves to barf it up at home. I got a strong flashlight too but got it off Amazon, same price almost. But yours mo better. (I got a stronger light cuz I caught a stranger hiding in a darkened corner and Res Mgr found he was huffing glue)-N
That is one strong flash light! You can cook the pods in chicken soup when they’re really young like string beans. When they get green and tough it’s harder to prepare.
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Wow! That flashlight is strong. So funny that you got Kai in the act with the pod in his mouth. Were you able to get him to drop it?
J, under the cover of darkness he thought he could sneak one pass momma only to be lit up lol Mac's cuisine of choice is the leafy nut weed. He then loves to barf it up at home. I got a strong flashlight too but got it off Amazon, same price almost. But yours mo better. (I got a stronger light cuz I caught a stranger hiding in a darkened corner and Res Mgr found he was huffing glue)-N
Not to butt in; but have you thought about a hand crank flashlight? We have two of these and you never have to worry about batteries.
Ho da bright! Great find!
That is one strong flash light! You can cook the pods in chicken soup when they’re really young like string beans. When they get green and tough it’s harder to prepare.
Boy, that sure is a powerful flashlight. Good deal.
This time he obeyed my "drop it" command. Sometimes it doesn't work. LOL.
How scary!!
I remember having those before. I wonder if we still have them . . .
I missed seeing that one. 😄
I saw the green ones at the swap meet today. One guy bought them all up.
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