Landon and I were starting to feel sad when Fred hadn't made an appearance in several weeks. It wasn't like her to be gone for so long.
Then Landon started noticing a small lizard lingering in Fred's area. We decided that it was probably one of Fred's offspring.
One day Lan offered Small Fred a mealworm and (s)he took it!

You can click on the photo below to watch a video of Small Fred.
cute. I think.
Heavens forbid
Mealworms for days
Dearest FRED
May be DEAD
Hope its not true
Because lizards
Like fred may have just
Gone on a vacay...
Aww!!! So cute. Hope Fred comes back soon.
Oh da cute. Funny yeah, our attachments. I missed my bathroom spider, Charlotte, when she disappeared but her keiki took her place. They not as bold as their mom though. May small Fred live long and prosper. N
So kind! Very sweet of you and family.
Me too!
Awww, so cute "Charlotte". Small Fred is actually more courageous than Fred!
That's nice, small Fred is around. I think you're right, a offspring
oh no! hope fred comes back, cool that there is a little one though
Little Fred is an offspring ! He has Big Fred’s genes of being fed by you!
They're a bunch of offspring!
Still haven't seen her. 😢
I wondered if such a thing gets passed on. Hope so!
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